Friday, September 25, 2020

Richart Ruddie of Fort Lauderdale Florida Says this is 17.5x More Deadly than COVID-19


Cardiovascular diseases will be approximately 17.5 times more deadly than COVID-19. The big difference is that the ease in which you can catch COVID-19 and how rapidly it affects you and has the potential to activate other immunocompromised issues and kill you.

So it's not that COVID-19 is even nearly as deadly as other issues but it's more rapid. Only car accidents according to the chart above states that it's more deadly with little to no notice. So what do we do? Once COVID-19 is erradticated we should focus on curing cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and other lifestyle activities that cause these issues.

So don't be afraid because if you looked at the chart above you would think you're odds of dying are severly increased. Sometimes ignorance is bliss but make health conscious decisions to improve your lifestyle and logevity.
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