Sunday, November 22, 2020

For those who've been asking how you rank in Google

 After being asked about how you rank in Google there is a document you can send to those who are versed in mathematics. This documentation went beyond the traditional pointwise scoring functions and introduced a novel setting of group wise scoring functions (GSFs) in the learning-to-rank framework. 
The documentation implements GSFs using a deep neural network (DNN) that can efficiently handle large input spaces. If you read the link below you will see that GSFs can include several existing learning-to-rank models as special cases. They compared both  GSF models and tree-based models based on a standard learning-to-rank data set. Experimental results show that GSFs significantly benefit several state-of-the-art DNN and tree-based models, due to their ability to combine list wise loss and groupwise scoring functions. 
 The work compiled now opens up a few interesting future research directions: how to do inference with GSFs in a more principled way using techniques as well as helping readers, to define GSFs using more sophisticated DNN like CNN, rather than simple concatenation, and how to leverage the more advanced DNN matching techniques proposed in. 
Read more to understand:

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Success in Business is Mico Choices Over Time

 To be successful in business you need to take a deep look at outcomes and how they come about. Realizing that these outcomes are never the result of a single choice or action but many small actions built up over a long period of time.

Think about how the hedge fund Bridgewater was built by Ray Dalio argubulary one of the best funds of all time. As chronicled in Principals they cover how micro improvements and changes can add up to a big success over time. 

So remember when building a great company, life, or marriage that this is built up through many great micro choices over a period of time. Success is not a single choice based on one action but rather it is a series of actions over time.

If you enjoyed this advice follow my interview over at the Dotcom Magazine.

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